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Car Kits

Car Kits



Hi! My name is Kalee and I am a mom of three. Peighton our oldest is five, Freya is now three and then Wyatt is a year and a half. I am definitely busy and also slightly tired. Growing up I was a girl guide. A girl guides motto is “ Always be prepared!” Well when I had Peighton I would literally pack everything and the kitchen sink into the car every time we would leave the house ( upholding that motto haha ) Can anyone relate? Then when I had Freya that number of items tended to dwindle and maybe I forgot one or two crucial items here or there. I was always thankful for any of my friends who would spot me a diaper or some wipes for messy fingers here or there. Now enter being a mom of three babies in under five years. I can not even tell you the amount of times I’ve forgotten a change of clothes, diaper, snacks or wipes. So when I saw Shevawn from Honeysuckle Swim Company post her inspiration for car baskets on instagram I instantly knew it was the solution I had been looking for. Living in Alberta our winters get cold, also in emergencies its good to have these items on hand so I wanted to share with all of you so you can make your own car baskets. It can be for winter/ summer road emergencies or just for those parent emergencies of sticky fingers or accidents. 


I got my baskets at winners. They were $19.99 for a pack of two (I got the largest size of these style I could find ). Another great place for baskets would be the dollar store or home sense but I went to several with no luck. Once you have your baskets here are the items I put in mine : wipes ( a must for any parent basically until your kids are 18 I’m finding out haha. Always things to clean up), munchie mugs for snacks, diapers ( for my littlest guy and for Freya- she is potty trained but if she has to go we always carry a portable potty with us and we line the bottom with a diaper for easy clean up), a few small garbage bags for if there is a diaper we need to contain, snacks like Lara bars and apple sauce pouches (but what ever snacks your kiddos like that have a shelf life would be good), extra socks, extra underwear, extra set of clothes (we will always have an extra zomper in Wyatt’s basket and our favourite ROWE hoodies which have lasted through all 3 babies in the girls baskets), extra shoes (we have hey folks which are a MUST in our house. They are easy for the kids to put on and a local Canadian company), some quick grab travel boredom items like sticker books or fidget toys, all our ROWE toques and some gloves ( as we come up to winter ), tissues for any runny noses, extra fall coat for each child, extra soother for Wyatt.


Other great seasonal items would be hats, sunscreen, bug spray, bandaids ( although we carry a car first aid kid and I highly recommend that), sunsuit from honeysuckleswimcofor those days you go to parks with splash pads near by and then your kids have to ride home with no clothes after getting wet, speaking only from experience! And extra sandals. 


I hope this helps you gather some items and feel prepared and organized. Once I finished ours I was so thrilled and it just gave me so much peace of mind knowing we had all the essentials. I tossed ours into the back hatch of the van but also placing them on the floor in front of car seats would be great too. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask @kalee.ryan. I also would like to thank Barb from ROWE for asking me to write this post for you all. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day ! 


-Kalee @kalee.ryan

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